About Us
道成肉身的耶穌基督是教會的頭,也是我們信仰的根基;聖經是上帝自我啟示在歷史中的記載。 通過聖靈的引導,聖經是見證我們信仰的最高權威。美國長老教會的信仰告白書是天國子民在教會 歷史中回應上帝啟示活的記錄,也是我們信仰傅承的依據。
從本教會的緣起,我們宣教的主要對象是華府地區的台灣移民及其家族, 以及本地區和亞洲傳統有親和關係的人。當然教會的門是對所有的人開的。 我們珍惜我們的文化傳統,同時要努力去促進不同文化的和諧及融合。
教會是回應上帝呼召的群體,因此教會必須是社會的良心。我們要透過對社區的服務, 以及和普世教會合一,來構築一個公義與和平的世界,並見證我們的信仰。 我們要在改革宗教的傳統下,建立一個有愛和關懐心的教會。我們相信人是依上帝的形象所造, 所以我們尊重和鼓勵每一個人充分發揮上帝所賜各人不同的才能。 我們的目標是要能够經驗上帝國的臨到,在地上如同在天上。
“A church of choice for people to witness God’s News through participation in worship, evangelism, education, fellowship and service.”
This is our witness:
The head of the church and the foundation of our faith is our Lord Jesus Christ who is God incarnate; the God who reveals His Truth in the history as recorded in the Holy Scriptures. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Scriptures are the supreme authority of our faith. And the Book of Confessions of the Presbyterian Church (USA) is our faith tradition, which is a living record of the responses to the Truth by God’s people through ages.
In view of our church’s origin, the focus of our ministry is to people of Taiwanese descent and their families in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area, and to members of the community who have affinities with Asian heritages. While we cherish the cultural legacy we have inherited, we will work diligently to promote harmony and assimilation with the diverse cultures. In responding to God’s calling, the church must be the conscience of the society. We will witness our faith through serving others in the community and in union with the ecumenical church to foster a just and peaceful world. We want to build a living and caring church community that is anchored in the Reformed tradition. We believe everyone is created in God’s image. Therefore, we respect and encourage each other to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives to the fullest extent. In doing so, we strive to experience God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
Our Pastors:
Eric Forsyth
Associate Pastor